미국 연구석사 과정 풀펀딩

미국 연구석사 과정 풀펀딩 Entomology, Biological Sciences

미국의 대학원의 경우 박사과정은 정책적으로 풀펀딩 재정 지원 오퍼를 발행해야 하는 것과 달리, 석사과정의 경우 학비를 학생이 지불해야 하는 자비 유학에 해당됩니다.

그럼에도 불구하고 박사과정과 동일하게 모든 학비와 생활비 지원을 받는 석사과정을 찾고자 한다면 바로 자연과학 분야의 연구 석사과정을 대표적으로 꼽을 수 있습니다. 자연과학 분야의 많은 전공들은 대학원에서는 석사와 박사를 가리지 않고 교수님의 연구실에 소속되어 연구를 보조하게 되기 때문에, 박사생과 동일하게 펀딩이 주어지는 경우가 많습니다.

올해 2023년 연구석사 과정에 지원하여 풀펀딩 오퍼를 받은 저희 학생분의 케이스를 아래와 같이 보실 수 있습니다. 해당 학생분은 학부에서 응용 생물학을 전공하는 학생으로 연구실 경험을 가지고 있습니다. 이번 입시에서 연구석사 과정과, 석박 통합과정에 모두 지원을 하였고, 연구석사 과정과 석박 통합과정에서도 합격을 받는 좋은 결과를 얻었습니다. 박사과정으로 바로 진학할지에 대한 고민이 깊었는데요. Cornell University라는 세계 최고 아이비리그 대학의 명함을 선택했습니다. 또한 Cornell 대학의 교수님으로부터 석사 과정 중, 박사로 전환할 수 있는 내부 절차가 있다는 확인을 받아서 고민 없이 선택하게 되었습니다.



Cornell University의 Entomology MS 과정 풀펀딩 합격 오퍼
Cornell University의 Entomology MS 과정 풀펀딩 합격 오퍼입니다.


Purdue University의 Entomology MS 과정 풀펀딩 합격 오퍼입니다.

풀펀딩 재정지원을 제공하는 연구 석사과정의

Cornell University

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Department of Entomology
Entomology M.S.

Research focus
Click on any image to learn more about our graduate education in that focus area.
Ecology, Evolution, Systematics, and Behavior Focus Area
Ecology, Evolution, Systematics, and Behavior
How insects navigate and adapt to their environments, interact with other organisms they contact, and evolve over time.

Managed Systems Entomology
Applied control of insect pests in agricultural, urban, conservation, and public health contexts.
Physiology, Molecular Biology, Genetics, and Genomics
How insects function underneath the cuticle.

Financial Support
박사생과 동일하게 석사과정에 합격하는 학생들도 풀펀딩 재정지원을 제공합니다.
Graduate students in Entomology generally do not pay their own tuition out of pocket. Instead, tuition is paid and a stipend is provided to cover living expenses through a variety of mechanisms, including Graduate Research Assistantships, Teaching Assistantships, Extension/Outreach Assistantships, and various fellowships from the Cornell graduate school (including Graduate School Recruitment Fellowships, Fellowships in Support of Diversity, and Presidential Life Sciences Fellowships) and the Department of Entomology (including the Palmer Fellowship, the Griswold Fellowship, the Simeone Fellowship, and the Chapman Fellowship). A complete list of funding opportunities for graduate students are listed below. A number of our current students are supported by three-year grants from the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program (NSF-GRFP).

Once students are admitted to the program and the first year of funding is identified, the Field of Entomology provides a “guarantee of support” for those students. For MS students, the guarantee is for two years. For PhD students, the guarantee is for five years. The guarantee of support means that we guarantee that students who are making good progress on their thesis research will be support by one of the mechanisms described above (Teaching Assistantships, Extension/Outreach Assistantships, Graduate Research Assistantships, or a Fellowship). We cannot always predict what support a student will have in the latter years of the graduate work, but we guarantee to find funding for all students who are making good progress in the program.

Texas A&M University

College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, Department of Entomology
MS, Entomology

Financial Support
석사와 박사 학생 모두 개별 교수진의 연구 보조로 재정 지원을 받습니다.
Most graduate students in the Department of Entomology are supported by research assistantships awarded by individual faculty. A limited number of teaching assistantships in the department are available and generally used to supplement other support. In addition, many of our international students are supported by awards from institutions in their home countries.

To be competitive for research assistantships, students should apply early. We recommend no later than February 1 for programs to begin in the following Fall semester.

Graduate Merit Fellowships
Graduate Merit Fellowships are awarded by the Office of Graduate Studies to the most competitive graduate students beginning programs at Texas A&M University.  For information on stipend awards, contact Rebecca Hapes.

The Department of Entomology will automatically nominate applicants whom it believes to be competitive; however, these awards are made early. To be sure of consideration for a Graduate Merit Fellowship, applications should be completed by January 1.

North Carolina State University at Raleigh

College of Agricultural Sciences
Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology
MS in Entomology

Financial Support
석사와 박사과정 모두 개별 교수진에 의해 연구 보조 재정 지원 제공합니다.
The availability of graduate teaching and research assistantships varies each year. Faculty often have assistantship funds from grants for specific projects. There are few department-funded research and teaching assistantships distributed annually. We give consideration for assistantships only after the student’s application has been approved by the Graduate Student Recruitment Committee. Visit our Financial Assistance page for more information about financial aid available in the department and on-campus.

Assistantships provide a stipend and benefits. Benefits include in-state tuition, fees, and health insurance (as long as the student remains on an assistantship). Providing that satisfactory progress is being made toward the degree, assistantships are guaranteed for:
2½ years (5 semesters) for the M.S. degree
3½ years (7 semesters) for the Ph.D. with M.S.
4½ years (9 semesters) for the Ph.D. without M.S.
Specific fellowships and scholarships:

University of Maryland College Park

Department of Entomology
MS in Entomology

Research concentration
Genetics & Genomics and Medical Entomology
Much of the early work in fields like genetics, neurobiology, endocrinology, gene expression, sex determination, and translational control was conducted using insects. Today, insects continue to serve as important models for developmental biology, physiology, neural and molecular correlates of behavior, vector biology, and evolutionary biology. The completion of the Drosophila genome and other insect genetic tools has maintained the place of insects at the forefront of research on the structure, function, mapping, organization, expression, and evolution of genomes.

Financial Support
석사와 박사과정 모두 개별 교수진에 의한 연구 보조 재정 지원과 전체의 티칭 보조 재정 지원으로 풀펀딩 제공됩니다.
Graduate students are supported primarily in two ways. Many students are supported by extramural funding sources, usually obtained by the student’s faculty advisor or by the student for research on a specific topic. The second type of support is provided by the department from internal funds via University and departmental fellowships and teaching and research assistantships. Teaching and research assistantships are available on a competitive basis. Teaching assistants usually instruct undergraduate laboratory and recitation classes and receive in return a tuition waiver of ten credits each semester. Those students whose records indicate superior academic achievement and promise may also be competitive for University and departmental fellowships. Several part-time employment opportunities are also available in governmental and private research laboratories in the area. Regardless of the initial source of funding, the department makes a financial commitment to each graduate student. In the case of master’s students, support is provided for the first three years of the program only. In the case of doctoral students, five years of support is provided but must be used during the first six years of the student’s program. Support is usually for the full 12 months per year.

The Biological Science Graduate Program

Biological Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Biological Sciences, Master of Science (M.S.)

Curriculum& Research fields
The Biological Sciences Graduate Program (BISI) is an interdepartmental umbrella graduate program that includes four areas of concentration:

Behavior, Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics (BEES)
Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, and Genomics (CBBG)
Molecular and Cellular Biology (MOCB)
Physiological Systems (PSYS)
석사와 박사과정 모두 풀펀딩 재정지원 제공됩니다.
Students are supported through fellowships, research assistantships, and/or teaching assistantships. Each type of funding provides a stipend, tuition remission, and access to health and dental insurance and a prescription drug plan. Historically, all students have been supported throughout their graduate careers.

Harvard University

Harvard T.H.Chan School of Public Health
Research Degrees
Master of Science

Computational Biology and Quantitative Genetics
Environmental Health
Global Health and Population

Financial Support
Harvard Chan School tuition scholarship opportunities and Department of Epidemiology tuition reward opportunities which all masters students are considered for.
MS 연구석사는 장학금과 연구 보조 재정 지원 받을 수 있습니다.

University of San Francisco

College of Arts and Sciences
MS in Biology

Areas of Research
Unlike other programs, students are required to apply for a concentration and an opening in a specific faculty member’s laboratory. To qualify for admission to the biology program, you must be interested in pursuing research in one of the following areas:

    • Behavioral Ecology – Scott Nunes
    • Conservation Genetics & Systematics – Jennifer Dever
    • Developmental Biology & Regeneration – James Sikes
    • Evolutionary Ecology – Sevan Suni
    • Host Microbial Interactions & Innate Immunity – Sangman Kim
    • Marine Biology & Physiology – Nicole Thometz
    • Microbial Ecology, Mycology & Bioinformatics – Naupaka Zimmerman
    • Molecular and Cancer Biology – Christina Tzagarakis-Foster
    • Parasitology – John Sullivan
    • Plant Evolution & Ecology – John R. Paul

Financial Support
석사과정에도 풀펀딩 재정지원 제공됩니다.
Full-Tuition Scholarship for All Students
Students admitted to the biology program receive generous financial assistance from the Department of Biology. All admitted students receive a full-tuition scholarship for their graduate studies.

Teaching and Research Assistantships
Most graduate students are also awarded a teaching assistantship each semester, resulting in a stipend of approximately $9,000 per year.

All applicants admitted to the program, both U.S. and international students, are considered for these scholarships and assistantships when the admission applications are reviewed. There is no separate application for this financial assistance.


풀펀딩 연구석사과정 합격을 위한 핵심 전략 Choosing an Advisor

내가 참여할 연구실과 교수님을 찾아 사전 허락을 받아야 합니다. 입학 지원서를 준비하기 전, 내가 가진 연구 이력을 매력적으로 어필할 수 있는 연구실과 지도 교수님을 찾아야 합니다. 교수님을 찾았다면 소속된 연구실을 확인하여 학생 모집 현황을 체크합니다. 보통 대부분의 연구실에서 해당 연도에 학생을 받을 계획이 있는지를 공지하고 있습니다.

관심 연구실에서 석사생을 모집할 계획을 가지고 있다면, 나의 연구 배경을 매력적으로 어필하는 컨택 이메일과 CV를 준비해 보냅니다. 이 과정에서 교수님과의 Zoom meeting 등이 이루어집니다. 학부생에게는 박사 수준의 연구 이력을 요구하는 것이 아닙니다. 학부생으로서 참여한 연구 경험들을 통해 내가 가진 연구자로서의 잠재력과, 교수님이 진행하고 있는 연구들에 내가 왜 참여하고 싶은지를 적극적으로 피력합니다.

교수님과의 인터뷰가 끝나면 공식적인 지원서 접수에 대한 허락을 받을 수 있고, 사전에 지도 교수를 찾으실 수 있다면, 합격의 결과는 너무 어렵지 않게 받으실 수 있습니다!!!

**풀펀딩 석사과정을 찾고 있다면 유학브레인 컨설팅을 고려하시기 바랍니다.
나에게 맞는 프로그램과 연구실을 찾아, 교수님과의 컨택 과정 인터뷰까지 모든 절차를 안내 받으시게 됩니다.