Carnegie Mellon University, Computer Science 학부 신입학 합격
가장 경쟁이 치열한 Computer Science 분야에서 명실상부 세계 최고 수준의 교육을 제공하고 있는 카네기 멜런 대학교입니다. 카네기 멜런 대학교의 School of Computer Science에서는 아래 5가지 분야의 학사학위를 제공하고 있습니다. SCS에 신입생으로 입학한 모든 학생들은 전공을 확정 짓지 않은 상태에서, 컴퓨터 과학, 인공지능, 계산 생물학 및 인간, 상호작용 등 모든 전문 분야의 핵심 교육과 실질적 응용 역량을 습득할 수 있으며, 전공 분야가 결정된 이후에는 대학원 수준의 전문 연구에 학부생으로 참여할 수 있습니다.
- Artificial Intelligence
- Computational Biology
- Computer Science
- Human-Computer Interaction HCI
- Robotics
Tuition 2024-2025 academic year | $86,812 |
▣ Carnegie Mellon University 학부 신입학 (Undergraduate Freshman)
카네기 멜런 학부 신입학은 Early Decision I, II 와 Regular Deadline으로 나뉩니다. 카네기 멜런 대학교 학부 신입학이 매우 까다로운 심사를 거치는 만큼, ED Round에 지원하는 전략을 세워보는 것도 좋습니다. Early Decision은 구속력을 갖지만, 데드라인을 두 라운드로 나눠 모집해, 학생들에게 선택지를 제공하고 있습니다.
Early Decision I | November 1 | Decision December 15 |
Regular Decision &Early Decision II | January 3 | Decision April 1 |
▣ 카네기 멜런 학부 신입학 요구 조건
고등학교 4년간의 학생의 학업 역량에 매우 높은 점수를 두고 심사를 합니다. 학생의 진로와 적성에 맞춰 도전적인 과목 선택을 하고 단계별로 향상되어 온 과목별 성적을 중점적으로 고려합니다. 영어, 수학, 사회과학, 자연과학, 외국어 영역의 기본 커리큘럼이 균형 잡혀 있는 것이 매우 중요합니다.
- Common Application: 공통 지원 시스템
- 고등학교 내신성적
- Official SAT or ACT score (Optional)
- Common Application Essay and Writing Supplement
- English Proficiency Test
- Letter of Recommendation from a teacher and counselor
▣ Carnegie Mellon Computer Science 학부 과정 기본 커리큘럼
- Computer Science Program
- Curriculum – B.S. in Computer Science
- The following requirements are for students entering Fall 2023
Computer Science Core (all of the following) | Units | |
07-128 | First Year Immigration Course | 3 |
15-122 | Principles of Imperative Computation (students without credit or a waiver for 15-112, Fundamentals of Programming and Computer Science, must take 15-112 before 15-122) |
12 |
15-150 | Principles of Functional Programming | 12 |
15-210 | Parallel and Sequential Data Structures and Algorithms | 12 |
15-213 | Introduction to Computer Systems | 12 |
15-251 | Great Ideas in Theoretical Computer Science | 12 |
15-451 | Algorithm Design and Analysis | 12 |
One Artificial Intelligence elective (min. 9 units). Students will be able to tackle complex, real-world problems using techniques from Artificial Intelligence, including symbolic and probabilistic reasoning, machine learning, optimization, and perception. | ||
10-315 | Introduction to Machine Learning (SCS Majors) | 12 |
11-411 | Natural Language Processing | 12 |
11-485 | Introduction to Deep Learning | 9 |
15-281 | Artificial Intelligence: Representation and Problem Solving | 12 |
15-386 | Neural Computation | 9 |
16-384 | Robot Kinematics and Dynamics | 12 |
16-385 | Computer Vision | 12 |
others as designated by the CS Undergraduate Program |
One Domains elective (min. 9 units). Students will gain expertise in fundamental principles from a larger domain of computer science not already represented by other constrained categories, currently logic and languages, systems, and artificial intelligence (which includes machine learning, language technologies, and robotics). | ||
02-251 | Great Ideas in Computational Biology | 12 |
05-391 | Designing Human Centered Software | 12 |
11-324 | Human Language for Artificial Intelligence | 12 |
15-322 | Introduction to Computer Music | 9 |
15-330 | Introduction to Computer Security | 12 |
15-455 | Undergraduate Complexity Theory | 9 |
15-462 | Computer Graphics | 12 |
17-313 | Foundations of Software Engineering | 12 |
others as designated by the CS Undergraduate Program |
One Logics/Languages elective (min. 9 units). Students will master techniques for rigorous, formal reasoning about programs or systems, rooted in their logical foundations. | ||
15-312 | Foundations of Programming Languages | 12 |
15-314 | Programming Language Semantics | 12 |
15-316 | Software Foundations of Security and Privacy | 9 |
15-317 | Constructive Logic | 9 |
15-414 | Bug Catching: Automated Program Verification | 9 |
15-424 | Logical Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems | 12 |
17-355 | Program Analysis | 12 |
17-363 | Programming Language Pragmatics | 12 |
80-413 | Category Theory | 9 |
others as designated by the CS Undergraduate Program | ||
One Software Systems elective (min. 12 units). | ||
15-410 | Operating System Design and Implementation | 15 |
15-411 | Compiler Design | 15 |
15-418 | Parallel Computer Architecture and Programming | 12 |
15-440 | Distributed Systems | 12 |
15-441 | Networking and the Internet | 12 |
15-445 | Database Systems | 12 |
others as designated by the CS Undergraduate Program |
Two Computer Science electives: | Units |
These electives can be from any SCS department | 18 |
15-151 | Mathematical Foundations for Computer Science (if not offered, substitute 21-127 or 21-128) |
12 |
21-120 | Differential and Integral Calculus | 10 |
21-122 | Integration and Approximation | 10 |
21-241 | Matrices and Linear Transformations | 11 |
or 21-242 | Matrix Theory | |
21-259 | Calculus in Three Dimensions | 10 |
or 21-266 | Vector Calculus for Computer Scientists | |
or 21-268 | Multidimensional Calculus | |
or 21-269 | Vector Analysis | |
Plus one of the following four Probability choices: | ||
15-259 | Probability and Computing | 12 |
21-325 | Probability | 9 |
36-218 | Probability Theory for Computer Scientists | 9 |
36-225-36-226 | Introduction to Probability Theory – Introduction to Statistical Inference (must take both courses in this sequence to satisfy requirement) |
18 |