Oregon State University, Computer Science 석사 프로그램 추천학교 (2)

Oregon State University, Computer Science 석사 프로그램 추천학교

OPT의 기회를 최대한 이용하고 싶은 학생들에게 강력 추천 학교!
활발히 운영되고 있는 한국동문회의 인프라를 활용해 취업에 적극적인 지원을 받을 수 있는 학교!

오레곤 주립대학은 코밸리스시에 위치한 연구 중심의 종합대학으로 국제학생들의 취업률이 높은 대학 중의 하나입니다. OSU는 Land, Sea, Space and Sun Grant를 받은 미국의 2개의 대학 중 하나입니다. 국제학생 5명 중 1명은 인턴쉽이나 실습을 통해 학문 분야와 관련된 실무 경험을 쌓을 수 있도록 인턴쉽 프로그램에 참여하고 있으며, 이는 높은 취업률로 연결됩니다.

Oregon State University 대학 랭킹

  • 1 in 5 international students gained valuable work experience through internships or practical training
  • Top 1.4% Global Universities (Center for World University Rankings 2020)
  • #41 Top Research University in the US (Best College Reviews 2020)
  • #82 Best Public University (Times Higher Education 2020)
  • #62 Best Undergraduate Engineering Programs (U.S. News and World Report 2021)
  • 450+ Companies Recruiting Students from Oregon State University (University Data 2020)
  • Paid internships in engineering and business averaging $40K per year (MECOP/CECOP)
  • #10 Best College Town in the US (Best College Reviews 2019)


  • Agriculture
  • Business
  • Computer Science
  • Energy Systems Engineering
  • Engineering
  • Exercise and Sport Science
  • Food Science and Technology *Forestry
  • Hospitality Management
  • Management
  • Marketing
  • Natural Resources and Renewable Materials
  • Public Policy
  • Science
  • Tourism and Outdoor Leadership
  • Web and Mobile Software Development

Oregon State University Graduate Admissions- Computer Science

Computer Science (MEng)-Master’s International Direct
MEng in Computer Science
Course leng 2 Years
Start dates 2022: September2023: January, March, September2024: January, March
Fees From: USD $12,200
Academic requirements Bachelor’s degree in same discipline with GPA 3.0 or above
English language requirements From: TOEFL 80 (18 subscores), IELTS 6.5 (5.5 subscores)


MEng in Computer Science 추가 입학요건
  • 관련 분야 학부 학위 소지자
  • 대학교 1학년 레벨의 수학의 GPA 2.0 이상 요구
  • 요구하는 선수과목

Complete 3/6 upper-division courses with a grade equivalent to a 3.0 in each individual course: Algorithm Design and Analysis; Computer Architecture; Operating; Automata Theory/Theory of Computation; Programming Language Fundamentals; Compilers

샘플 학업내용
Degree program components  45 credit hour program
Course code Course title Credit hours
ALS 145  Building Strategies for Graduate Success 3
WR 599 Academic Writing for Graduate Students 3
CS 5XX Graduate Level CS Course Option from List 4
CS 5XX  Graduate Level CS Course Option from List 4

Academic grid shown is a sample of MID coursework. Please speak with your Academic Advisor to learn more about the availability of courses in your chosen program.

CS 5XX: Sample list of courses:
  • CS 544: Operating Systems II
  • CS 561: Software Engineering Methods
  • CS 581: Programming Language I
Computer Science (MEng)-Graduate Pathway

오레곤 주립대학교 컴퓨터 사이언스 석사과정으로 바로 진학하기에 학점이 부족하다면 오레곤 주립대학교에서 제공하는 컴퓨터 사이언스 석사 조건부 입학 프로그램을 통해 석사과정으로 입학을 할 수 있습니다. 석사 조건부 입학 과정은 커리큘럼에 본과의 과목들을 2~3과목 들을 수 있도록 편성되어 있기 때문에, 전체 석사과정의 학업기간을 단축시킬 수 있습니다. 낮은 학점 때문에 포기하지 말고 조건부 입학 과정의 문을 두드리시기 바랍니다.

Graduate Pathway in Computer Science
Course length 2 – 3 Terms
Start dates 2022: September2023: January, September2024: January
Fees From: USD $24,400
Academic requirements 2.5 GPA, Undergraduate degree in a relevant discipline. Additional Entry Requirements: 2.0 GPA in 1 year of college level Math Complete with a grade equivalent to a 2.0 a computer programming course taught in one of the following programming languages: Java, C or C++
English language requirements From: TOEFL 70, IELTS 6.0, Password 7, PTEA 48, IELA 169, Duolingo 95 or Completion of Academic English Level 5 with C or higher (or Pass grades).
Course options 3-Term2-Term


Term 1 Course title Credit hours
ALS 176 Professional Writing for Graduate Students 3 Credits
ALS 145 Building Strategies for Graduate Succes 3 Credits
CS 2XX/3XX Undergraduate level Computer Science course 3 Credits
CS 5XX Graduate level Computer Science course 3 Credits
Total 12 Credits
Term 2 Course title Credit hours
COMM 218 Interpersonal Communication 3 Credits
WR 537 Writing for Science and Engineering 3 Credits
CS 5XX Graduate level Computer Science course 4 Credits
CS 5XX Graduate level Computer Science course 3 Credits
Total 13 Credits



Degree subject Final level % English level % Additional requirements
Computer Science-M.E. 3.0 GPA cumulative and B or higher grades in all graduate level classes B or higher grade in all English language classes OR TOEFL 91 (18 subscores) OR IELTS 7.0